Early Disease Detection


Dogs and cats often don’t show signs of illness until the disease or disorder is advanced. With the use of Wellness Testing, problems can be detected in the early stages and steps can often be taken to correct or manage them.


Did You Know?

Arthritis in both older and younger pets can often be successfully managed with prescription diets alone, without the use of drugs!


What tests might be included in a Wellness Profile?

Complete Blood Count can detect anemia, infection, abnormal cells and some clotting problems. Biochemistry Profile checks the function of the liver, kidneys and pancreas as well as electrolytes and bone and muscle indicators. Albumin decreased levels can indicate liver failure, protein losing nephropathy or protein losing enteropathy. ALT levels can indicate liver disease or conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, hyperadrenocorticism, right-sided heart failure or diabetes. BUN increased levels can indicate dehydration, renal dysfunction or a gastrointestinal bleed Decreased levels can point to end-stage liver disease, starvation or protein restricted diets. Thyroid Function Tests assess the gland that regulates the metabolic rate of the entire body. Serum Potassium increased levels may indicate Addison's disease and decreased may indicate polyuria, polydipsia or gastrointestinal upset. Glucose increased glucose can mean diabetes, hyperadrenocorticism or stress. Decrease glucose may be indicating a insulin-producing tumour, liver dysfunction or hypoadrenocorticism Urinalysis provides information on the health of the kidneys and urinary system, it can also detect infection, inflammation. crystals or abnormal cells. Inappropriate urine concentration may indicate renal disease, thyroid conditions, hyperadrenocorticism, hypercalcemia or diabetes mellitus.